24 September 2009

Column limits for SharePoint lists

<<<WSS 2.0 / SPS 2003 ONLY>>>
FYI, there are limits to the number of columns you can create in a SharePoint list.  See http://support.microsoft.com/?id=823555


23 September 2009

I’m super Xcited about Xceed Datagrid for WPF 3.5

OK, so the title of this post is a bit of a pun on the Xceed component, but nevertheless, I’m really excited about the possibilities of this component for some of the tools I’m building.  Just look at this silent demo to see for yourself:
I want to thank the crew over at Xceed for participating in the MVP 3rd Party Offers program.  Look for my review of the Xceed component in the near future.


21 September 2009

SharePoint Event Receivers ListTemplateId Values

If, like me, you write custom event receivers against SharePoint lists on a regular basis, then you no doubt have had a run in with trying to locate the proper ListTemplateId value to use in your Elements.xml in order to properly register your new event receiver.
Anyway, if you dig deep enough through the WSS 3.0 SDK, you’ll find it in the “General Reference/Features and Templates/Working with Features/Feature Schemas/Event Registrations/Receivers Element” section… or you could just click here: ðŸ˜›
Anyway, I’m always digging for this one, so I thought’s I’d just put it out on my blog for quick future reference for anyone (including myself) looking for it!


15 September 2009

Apple’s betrayal

Boy, I can’t wait for the SharePoint Conference so I can start talking about SharePoint 2010!  Until then we’re all under very strict NDA.  In the mean time, I feel like a complainer, blogging about stuff that gets me irate.
Thankfully, I did NOT upgrade my iPhone to OS 3.1 today.  I was a little shocked after reading this article.  Even the mighty Apple can stumble.

I wonder how the Mac/PC commercial would look that tries to explain that one! ðŸ˜›


01 September 2009

Gmail on Google Apps down… again…

Well, maybe it’s just me, but my Google Apps email is down for all of my domains. Standard Gmail still appears to work, but Apps Gmail went down around 4 PM EST and hasn’t been seen since. Sigh…


SharePoint Remote Event Receivers are DEAD!!!

 Well, the time has finally come.  It was evident when Microsoft started pushing everyone to WebHooks, but this FAQ and related announcement...