Which would dump out something like this:
Verb Group
---- -----
Add Common
Clear Common
Close Common
Copy Common
Enter Common
Exit Common
Find Common
Format Common
Get Common
Hide Common
Join Common
Lock Common
Move Common
New Common
Open Common
Optimize Common
Pop Common
Push Common
Redo Common
Remove Common
Rename Common
Reset Common
Resize Common
Search Common
Select Common
Set Common
Show Common
Skip Common
Split Common
Step Common
Switch Common
Undo Common
Unlock Common
Watch Common
Backup Data
Checkpoint Data
Compare Data
Compress Data
Convert Data
ConvertFrom Data
ConvertTo Data
Dismount Data
Edit Data
Expand Data
Export Data
Group Data
Import Data
Initialize Data
Limit Data
Merge Data
Mount Data
Out Data
Publish Data
Restore Data
Save Data
Sync Data
Unpublish Data
Update Data
Approve Lifecycle
Assert Lifecycle
Complete Lifecycle
Confirm Lifecycle
Deny Lifecycle
Disable Lifecycle
Enable Lifecycle
Install Lifecycle
Invoke Lifecycle
Register Lifecycle
Request Lifecycle
Restart Lifecycle
Resume Lifecycle
Start Lifecycle
Stop Lifecycle
Submit Lifecycle
Suspend Lifecycle
Uninstall Lifecycle
Unregister Lifecycle
Wait Lifecycle
Debug Diagnostic
Measure Diagnostic
Ping Diagnostic
Repair Diagnostic
Resolve Diagnostic
Test Diagnostic
Trace Diagnostic
Connect Communications
Disconnect Communications
Read Communications
Receive Communications
Send Communications
Write Communications
Block Security
Grant Security
Protect Security
Revoke Security
Unblock Security
Unprotect Security
Use Other
Now you COULD painstakingly go through the mass of verbs... oh right, they're NOT in alphabetical order!!! Well, that's not entirely true. It is in alphabetical order by GROUP. Who gives a damn about Group?!? Ugh.
OK, so we could also just pipe the output to the sort command thus:
Get-Verb | sort Verb
That will result in properly sorted output which would make it easier to locate (or not) the intended verb in the list thereby determining if the verb is valid for use according to best practice guidance. :-)
But all that is a terribly manual process and as anyone who knows me will tell you, once I have to repeat a tedious process for a second or third time, I look for a way to automate it.
That's exactly what I did here too. Presenting...
This is my little function to do the above quickly and easily. It can easily be compiled into a module that's loaded in your profile so you'll always have access to it. Here's the code:
function Get-ValidVerb([string] $verbToCheck) { $verbs = Get-Verb | sort Verb; $list = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[string]; foreach ($verb in $verbs) { $list.Add([string]$verb.Verb.ToLower()); } return $list.Contains($verbToCheck.ToLower()); }
The script logic is easy.
- The script simply takes a single string argument containing the verb to check for validity.
- In line 3 we capture the output from our (Get-Verb | sort Verb) command to a variable.
- In line 4 we create a .NET List
object that contains strings. - In line 5 we iterate through all items in the dumped list.
- In line 7 we use the .Add() method of the List class to add only the Verb of the item (remember, it has a Group column too) to the list. I added another piece of logic here in that I convert the verb to lowercase with .ToLower() after casting it as a [string] type. This is done in order to allow the next bit of logic...
- Finally in line 9, we leverage the .Contains() method of the List class to check if the verb we're checking, is contained in the list. You'll notice that we cast this verb to check to lower case as well. By casting both the list and the verb to check to lower case, we get a case insensitive comparison. This prevents the problem where Get-ValidVerb "get" will return False because of case different in the G.