30 May 2012

How do I – Resolve the issue where I cannot upload files to SharePoint that are larger than 50 MB through Explorer View or WebDAV

Ever tried uploading a file larger than 50 MB to SharePoint and it fails, even though your file upload size limits for the SharePoint web app is set to a value larger than the default of 50 MB? This one can be particularly annoying at times. Under SharePoint 2010, Microsoft has made it even easier for users to connect to their SharePoint libraries via Windows Explorer. Many users love to make use of this method, but there are some pitfalls. Windows Explorer leverages WebDAV to access SharePoint content. As such, it is constrained by the FileSizeLimitInBytes registry settings of the local computer’s web client properties. If you are trying to move or copy files to a SharePoint library via Windows Explorer or Explorer view and you encounter the following error, this is probably the issue:

Cannot Copy <filename>: Cannot read from the source file or disk

To be clear, this has absolutely nothing to do with the file upload size limits that are set by your administrator for each web application within SharePoint. This is a local client machine limitation. To solve this, follow these steps:
  • Start REGEDIT
  • image_thumb_0D411325
  • Expand the following registry key:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebCLient\Paramters
  • image_thumb_1_0D411325
  • Note the value of the FileSizeLimitInBytes key which should be 0x02faf080 or 50,000,000 bytes by default.
  • In the detail window on the right, right click the FileSizeLimitInBytes key.
  • On the popup menu, click “Modify”.
  • image_thumb_2_0D411325
  • Enter the new value you wish to use.  NOTE: This value is in BYTES i.e. 1024 bytes per KB and 1024 KB per MB and 1024 MB per GB.
  • The maximum value you can use is 7fffffff which represents 2147483647 bytes or 1 byte shy of 2 GB.
  • Click OK.
  • Close REGEDIT.
  • Reboot your computer.

To make it easier, you can simply copy the following into Notepad and save it with a .reg extension and then double click the entry to import it into your registry:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




22 May 2012

How do I – Add an Approval Workflow to my SharePoint list

Approval workflows come with SharePoint 2010 as an Out of the Box workflow that allows for some quick, customizable management of approval processes. Here’s how to activate and use these powerful workflows:
  1. Navigate to your target list.
  2. On the ribbon, click the “List” tab.
  3. Depending on your screen resolution, the “Workflow Settings” option should appear to the far right of the ribbon.  On lower resolution screens, the wording may not appear and instead only a small version of the icon would be visible.  If you are unable to locate “Workflow Settings in the ribbon at all, navigate to it via the “List Settings” option instead.
  4. image_thumb_148A2B73
  5. Click “Workflow Settings”.
  6. On the Workflow Settings page, click the “Add a worflow” link under the “Workflows” section.
  7. image_thumb_1_148A2B73
  8. If you notice a limited number of workflows like “Three-state” and possibly “Disposition Approval”, but no “Approval” workflow, then it means that your site collection workflow Feature is not enabled.
  9. image_thumb_2_148A2B73
  10. Click “Site Actions” on the ribbon in the top left of the page.
  11. On the dropdown menu, click “Site Settings”.
  12. image_thumb_3_148A2B73
  13. On the Site Settings page, click “Site collection features” under the Site Collection Administration section.
  14. image_thumb_4_148A2B73
  15. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the Features list.
  16. Locate the Workflows Feature.
  17. The button to the right of the Feature should say “Activate”.
  18. Click the “Activate” button.
  19. image_thumb_6_148A2B73
  20. Once the Feature has been activated, the button should say “Deactivate”.
  21. There should also be a label to the right of the button that reads “Active”.
  22. image_thumb_7_148A2B73
  23. With your site collection Feature now activated, navigate back to your list in question.
  24. Navigate back to the workflow settings of the list in question.
  25. [***TIME SAVING TIP***]  You can simply use your browser’s back button to navigate directly to the page titled “Workflow Settings”.
  26. Now click the “Add a workflow” link again.
  27. This time you should see more workflows in the “Select a workflow template:” section.
  28. Scroll down and select the “Approval – SharePoint 2010” workflow.
  29. In the name field, type a name for your new workflow.  NOTE: This name will be used as the column name for status values in the list view so you don’t want this name to be too lengthy.
  30. In the Task List field, by default, SharePoint will select the “Tasks” list for you.  This list was created when you activated the Workflows Feature on the site collection in Steps 10-22.  You can change this selection through the provided dropdown or you can even create an entirely new tasks list via the dropdown.  The choice is yours.
  31. In the History List field, by default SharePoint will select the “Workflow History” lists for you.  As was the case with the Tasks list, this list was automatically created when you activated the Workflows Features on the site collection.  Again, you have the option of selecting a different workflow history list or creating an new one via the dropdown.
  32. In the Start Options section, the “Allow this workflow to be manually started by an authenticated user with Edit Item permissions.” option is checked by default.  This option simply means that anyone who can modify items in this list, can manually start an approval workflow on an item.  In many cases, you may with to disable this by unchecking the box.
  33. The secondary check box titled “Require Manage List Permissions to start the workflow.” allows you to limit manual starting of the workflow only to list managers/designers.  This allows the workflow to still be manually started, but normal users who can only modify items in the list, would not have the required permissions to do so.
  34. The next check box titled “Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item.” will be disabled (grayed out) unless you have Version History configured on the list with both major and minor versions.
  35. The next check box titled “Start this workflow when a new item is created.” is the most frequently used.  When this is checked, any creation of a new item, will result in the workflow being started.
  36. The next check box titled “Start this workflow when an item is changed.” allows the workflow to be terminated if something is modified in the item while the workflow is running, and then restarting the workflow from the top.  It is a good idea to check this box in most workflow cases.
  37. Once you have configured your options on this page, click the “Next” button at the bottom.
  38. image_thumb_8_7F98A8FF
  39. On the final configuration page, we get to configure the who and when of the workflow.
  40. In the Approvers section, you can add people/groups to who the approval task is assigned.  Since people change jobs and responsibilities all the time, it’s a good idea to create a site security group for the approvers here.  In our example, we are using a security group called “My Approvers List”.  The members of the group would be all the people who can approve items in this list.  NOTE:  In addition to the approvers configured here, anyone with administrator or owner rights over either the list, the site on which the list resides or the collection in which the site on which the list resides, will also have the ability to approve tasks in this workflow directly.  That is why best practices dictate that administrators should be carefully selected and careful consideration should be given any time the number of administrators exceed two.
  41. By default, the “Expand Groups” check box is checked.  This is only applicable when you are adding security groups to the Approvers list above and it means that if our security group contains three people, each person would be assigned the approval task.
  42. The “Request” field contains custom text you wish to have appear in the task assignment email that is sent to the approvers.
  43. The “Due Date for All Tasks” field is very seldom used due to its fixed nature and it allows you to select a specific due date for tasks.
  44. The “Duration Per Task” and “Duration Units” fields work together and is the preferred way to configure task due dates.  In our example, we are giving task assignees 3 days to act on the tasks.
  45. The CC field allows you to copy managers or interested parties on the assignment emails.
  46. The “End of First Rejection” check box controls what happens if any one of the approvers rejects the item.  When checked, it will terminate the workflow in a rejected state.
  47. The “End on Document Change” check box which is also checked by default, terminates the workflow if any changes is made to the item while in a pending state.
  48. The “Enable Content Approval” check box functions in cooperation with the Content Approval settings on the list or library.  When checked, the new item or document will automatically become visible to all users if the approval completes.
  49. Once you’ve configured the workflow behavior, click the “Save” button.
  50. image_thumb_9_7F98A8FF
  51. Congratulations!  You’ve now configured an Approval workflow on your list or library.

15 May 2012

How do I – Add a User Account to the Local Administrators security group of a Domain Controller

Once you have done a DCPROMO (promoting your server to a domain controller) on your server, Windows removes the ability to manage local administrators from the server, at least via the GUI interface. As you can see here in the following two screen shots, the “Local Users and Groups” GUI option which is normally available on a non domain controller server thus:
Is removed once the server is promoted to a domain controller thus:
How do we work around this issue then?
Bring out the good old administrative command line…
  1. Click through your Start menu and navigate to locate the “Command Prompt”.
  2. Right click the “Command Prompt” icon.
  3. On the popup menu, click “Run as administrator”.
  4. image
  5. In the admin window that opens, use the following syntax to add the target account to the local administrators group of the server:
  6. net localgroup administrators /add <domain>\<user>
  7. Where the <domain> value is the target domain and the <user> value is the target user e.g.
  8. image
  9. In the example above we added the DEV\SPADM account to the server’s local administrators group.

10 May 2012

White Paper-2010 Office and SharePoint-Good, Better, Bes

My clients and conference attendees are constantly asking me for this reference document. It’s silly that it’s so hard to locate on the Microsoft site, but it’s a great resource and the Appendix where it lists the Office versions side by side is indispensable. Come and get it!



01 May 2012

My Starbucks disappointment

So I just stepped off a long 5 hour flight from LAX to IND and headed to my favorite coffee shop for my morning Joe. I wait in line and since it’s early and I’m hungry, I decided to also get an cheese bagel. I was handed the bagel in a bag with cream cheese, but the bagel is uncut???!!! I ask if they have some way to cut the bagel and they point out that I have a plastic knife in the bag. A plastic knife?! That’s barely able to SPREAD the cream cheese let alone cut it. They must have have sensed my disappointment after I uttered “That’s OK. I’ll just saw through my bagel with my plastic knife.” because in their defense, they offered to cut it for me… so I let them.

Seriously Starbucks? What the ??? If you’re going to sell bagels, how about spending $5 for a bagel cutter? It’s a tiny little addition that makes a huge difference on the impression of your patrons!


SharePoint Remote Event Receivers are DEAD!!!

 Well, the time has finally come.  It was evident when Microsoft started pushing everyone to WebHooks, but this FAQ and related announcement...