29 August 2006

Why would they not?

A company called Steorn is making claims that run counter to current established physics laws.  They claim that they have invented a new energy generation method that results in more energy being produced than was applied i.e. producing energy out of nothing...  This has been an ever elusive "holy grail" for the scientific community.
Given the current high cost of energy, and considering the rise in demand in China and the very real possibility that the price of oil will probably never come back down from its stratospheric orbit, you would think any possible new source of clean, renewable energy would be welcomed...
You'd think most people would be more than eager to have such energy sources validated given the $3/gal pump rates...
You'd think so... but you'd be wrong!
On the Steorn site (http://www.steorn.com) they have a poll.  See, Steorn challenged the scientific community to validate their findings.  Anyway, the poll asks if visitors think that the scientific community should accept the challenge or not.  So how is it that out of the over 100,000 people who voted, 61% do NOT think scientists should accept the challenge?!  It makes no sense to me.

This negativity sure seems a lot like the reaction Galileo got when he first claimed that the world was round instead of flat.  The way I see it, we should be investigating ANY possible clean, renewable energy sources we can.

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26 August 2006

It’s back!

If you're a user of Windows Desktop Search, and you decided to jump on the Office 2007 Beta bandwagon, then you KNOW what I'm talking about.  Part of the installation of Office 2007 was the installation of a newer version of WSD.  Of course, the newer version had taken a major step backward by NOT sporting the user interface for search anymore.  Believe me, it was a pain!
Now FINALLY, it's back!  Get the latest version of WDS 3.0 Beta 2 here:
and reclaim your search interface!


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23 August 2006

Moving to Visual Studio.NET 2005

If you're making the move to 100% Visual Studio.NET 2005 development, you know that you need to upgrade your VS.NET 2002/2003 projects.  A very good MSDN article detailing the process, can be found here:



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18 August 2006

eConnect SOPTransaction.xsd LNITMSEQ node

OK, so this one is in the help documentation if you dig deep enough, but it puzzled me for a while.  The problem is the weird way Great Plains number with this node in multiples of 16384.
Instead of breaking your brain trying to figure out how to number these nodes, simply leave the value as 0 (Zero) to force eConnect to auto number it going into Great Plains.

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17 August 2006

SharePoint broken links reporting tool

If you've ever had to move SharePoint content around, you know how painful it can be to locate and correct hyperlinks that have become invalid.  James Milne has a beta tool called SPStatus that is great for easing this task.  Check it out here:



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15 August 2006

The PayPal SDK

PayPal has very quickly become a standard for internet payments especially since being bought out byEBay.  Not only have they gone mobile, but the completeness of the SDK offering is very good.  Windows is supported under either Java, Cold Fushion, ASP.NET, Classic ASP or PHP.  Linux and Solaris are supported under Java, Cold Fushion and PHP.  It all starts at the Integration Center which can be found here:

SharePoint Remote Event Receivers are DEAD!!!

 Well, the time has finally come.  It was evident when Microsoft started pushing everyone to WebHooks, but this FAQ and related announcement...