The SharePoint Knowledge Collection of Cornelius J. van Dyk, an 9 x SharePoint MVP
30 December 2010
SharePoint Check In, Check Out, Content Approval, Draft Item Security and Version History Explained
There seems to be much confusion out in the SharePoint world around the topics of Check In/Out, Content Approval, Version History and Draft Item Security. My goal is to explain and clarify how all these function together.
It all starts with the creation of a new document be it created via the New menu or uploaded. When a user creates or uploads the new document, if “Require Check Out” is enabled, SharePoint will check out the document for the user automatically. Nobody, not even Approvers, can see the document until it is checked in.
Approvers can NEVER see content that is NOT checked in!
This is the function of check out and check in. It is a way for a user to work on a document in private until such time they are ready to share the document with others. When they then check it in, it moves to the next level of approval. If a situation unfolds where the user leaves the company and has a document still checked out, an Administrator can either do a “Discard Check Out” or “Take Ownership” can be done followed by a Check In.
This gets tricky in the case of a newly uploaded document. Because Approvers cannot see the document, the user doing the upload needs to be aware of this because they have to do the Check In to allow Approvers to see the document. It’s the same as the first iteration of a New document. Nobody except the author knows that the document actually exists… at least not until Check In.
In cases where users do mass uploads, having the “Force Check Out” option selected on the document library, can cause major problems as the uploading user would have to approve each document individually. That can be a very time consuming process. I always recommend that in such cases, the Administrator temporarily disable the “Force Check Out” option to allow the library content to be populated. With Content Approval turned on, this temporary change, would not cause major issues.
Upon check in, if “Content Approval” is turned on, NOW Approvers as well as the Author can see the document. Normal users cannot see the document until it is approved.
If Content Approval is not turned on, checking in the document, would make it visible to everyone. With Content Approval turned on, an approver would need to review the document and then approve it in order to make it visible to everyone.
When the Draft Item Security option is enabled, it usually deals with a scenario where you may have a collaborative group working on a document. This usually ties in with a Version History setting that has both Major (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc.) and Minor (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc.) versions. In such a case, there may be a group of people that have Member/Contributor rights that allows them to change document. There are some users who are Approvers and setting this setting determines who of these users can see items AFTER they are checked in. Remember that only the active author can see items that are checked out.
This option is only available when the Version History setting is set to use Minor versions.
Lastly there is Version History. Version history works independently from the above items with the exception of Draft Item Security which is only available as an option when Version History is set to Minor versions.
When set to Major versions, each update to the document results in a new version e.g. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc.
When set to Minor versions, each update results in a new minor version e.g. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc. When the document is then Approved, a new major version is created. As an example, the document is worked on and checked in by Bob, resulting in version 1.1. Now Sue edits the document and upon check in, it results in version 1.2. This continues until they are ready for the document to be approved. At this point, they choose to Publish a Major version. The document approvers are notified of the submission and they review it. Once they’re happy with it and approve the document, SharePoint publishes the document as version 2.0.
And that is how these items work together in the SharePoint environment. I hope this helps to shed some light on this subject.
29 December 2010
SharePoint 2010 People Picker de-mystified!
The problem with most demos and classes is that the presenters use straight Active Directory for the configurations and though this most certainly has the desired effect of making the demo run smoothly because everything “just works”, it doesn’t help you and me in the REAL WORLD where more often that not, we encounter a blended environment. If you are fortunate enough to work in a straight AD shop, count your blessings every night!
For the rest of us, we have to make that “blend” work for the customer because at the end of the day, they don’t care, nor should they, about the technical difficulty behind the scenes to make it work… they just want it to work… first time… every time.
Such is the case when you’re dealing with a Forms Auth/LDAP environment. My client has a huge deployment in SP2007 under LDAP. We deployed SP2010 under Claims Auth which meant a shift away from our old SiteMinder LDAP authentication scheme. Of course, under Forms Auth, we controlled the database against which the authentication and searching was done ala the source against which the PeoplePicker control was searching. Under claims, AD is the source and that adds new technical challenges to the mix in order to ensure that your customer search experience remains the same. Thus my search for information about the PeoplePicker in 2010 began…
There are lots of links out there related to PeoplePicker and custom AD searches. The first and most obvious is this MSDN link that gives us the basic overview. It even provides some basic examples, but it doesn’t actually EXPLAIN how to use it. Joel posted on his old blog on the topic, but it was basically a collection of what’s on MSDN so I was still looking for more detail. There were lots of other posts on the “peoplepicker-searchadcustomquery” switch in STSADM, but they were all either references to the MSDN article or copy and paste jobs.
In the end, I was left to decipher the problem the old fashion way… through trial and error. After many attempts, I finally managed to get a good read on how it actually works and was able to explain it to my colleagues as well. Now I’m hoping this blog post saves someone some time in the future when they have to work through this. I’ll begin with my Powershell script:
1: clear-host 2: write-host -f green "=========================" 3: write-host -f green "========= BEGIN =========" 4: write-host -f green "=========================" 5: write-host "" 6: $snapin = "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" 7: if (get-pssnapin $snapin -ea "silentlycontinue") 8: { 9: write-host -f green "PSsnapin $snapin is loaded" 10: write-host "" 11: } 12: else 13: { 14: if (get-pssnapin $snapin -registered -ea "silentlycontinue") 15: { 16: write-host -f green "PSsnapin $snapin is registered" 17: Add-PSSnapin $snapin 18: write-host -f green "PSsnapin $snapin is loaded" 19: write-host "" 20: } 21: else 22: { 23: write-host -f Red "PSSnapin $snapin not found" 24: write-host "" 25: } 26: } 27: [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") 28: $webapps = get-spwebapplication 29: foreach ($webapp in $webapps) 30: { 31: write-host -f yellow $webapp.displayname; 32: write-host -f yellow $webapp.url; 33: stsadm -o setproperty -url $webapp.url -pn peoplepicker-searchadcustomquery -pv "(userPrincipalName={0}*)(givenName=*{0}*)(sn=*{0}*)(displayName=*{0}*))"; 34: stsadm -o setproperty -url $webapp.url -pn peoplepicker-searchadforests -pv "domain:<<>>.com"; 35: } 36: write-host "" 37: write-host -f green "=========================" 38: write-host -f green "========== END ==========" 39: write-host -f green "========================="
Lines 12-26 kicks in if the snapin is not already loaded. In this case, it gets the registration info for the snapin and then tries to load the snapin.
Line 27 loads the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll in order to access the SharePoint object model. Line 28 sets a local variable ($webapps) to the return value of the “get-spwebapplication” PowerShell cmdlet.
Lines 29-30 sets up an iteration loop for each object in the $webapps variable. It temporarily sets the current object to another local variable ($webapp) for processing in subsequent lines.
Lines 31-32 writes the Display Name and the URL values of the web application being processed.
Lines 33-34 is where the magic happens. These lines call STSADM and passes the needed values to it in order to set SharePoint’s metadata properties for the people picker.
Line 35 closes the loop.
Lines 36-39 simply writes to closing a closing footer.
Now let’s look at the two STSADM commands in more detail.
stsadm -o setproperty -url $webapp.url -pn peoplepicker-searchadcustomquery -pv "(userPrincipalName={0}*)(givenName=*{0}*)(sn=*{0}*)(displayName=*{0}*))";
The key is the “setproperty” operation in STSADM. Since these properties are stored by SharePoint on a web application basis which is why this command is issued for each web application in SharePoint.
The first switch we provide to the operation is the URL of the web application.
The second switch is the property name and in this case, we’re targeting the “peoplepicker-searchadcustomquery” property.
The third switch is the property value. The value we pass here is the search values that is appended and passed into Active Directory for the search query. This is where the available documentation is lacking. The format to use is as follows:
(<AD Name>=<wildcard>{0}<wildcard>)
where <AD Name> is replace by the Active Directory property name you’re targeting and <wildcard> is replaced by either a star (*) if you want to wildcard on that side of the query or nothing if you don’t want the wildcard on that side.
In our example, we are targeting 4 Active Directory properties. The first is “userPrincipalName” which is the user ID e.g. “”. In this example, we are using a wildcard at the back of the query so a search such as just using “cjvandyk” or “cjvan” should yield a match.
The second property is “givenName” which is a user’s fist name. We are using front and back wildcards here so any part of the user’s name would yield a match.
The third property is “sn” which is the user’s last name. Again, we’re using front and back wildcards in order to yield a match on any part of the user’s last name.
The last property is “displayName”. This field is populated with the commonly used name of the user. In most cases, a user’s name is registered for a match on the default query passed to Active Directory as “First MI Last” for example, a user would be matched as “Robert E. Doe” within the system. For a user to locate him in a people picker they’d have to use “Robert E. Doe”. In person he may be known as “Bob Doe” instead. A user trying to find Bob in the people picker with “Bob Doe” won’t get a match, but if the Active Directory property for “displayName” is populated with this value i.e. “Bob Doe”, our fourth property would yield a match for the user.
The second STSADM property we are setting for the web application is that of the “peoplepicker-searchadforests”. This is used when you have a very large Active Directory and wish to limit the AD query down to just a specific sub set instead of searching the entire directory. Doing this, can result in some major performance gains in your people picker. The syntax is:
stsadm -o setproperty -url $webapp.url -pn peoplepicker-searchadforests -pv "domain:<<<CHANGEME>>>.com";
As before, our first switch passed is the URL of the target web application.
The second switch is again the property name which as we’ve already mentioned is “peoplepicker-searchadforests”.
The third switch is the property value. In this switch, simply replace the “<<<CHANGEME>>>” with your target domain you wish to limit the search to.
The last thing you need to do, is ensure that your Active Directory team configure indexes on all the properties that you have specified in your search query. Having indexes on these properties within AD will also give you a good boost in the performance of the people picker control.
Provided that your AD is populated correctly, using this script, you can configure the people picker for optimal results for the end user. For your convenience, you can download the PowerShell script from my downloads library located here:
14 December 2010
BUG – Security concern – Overriding library permissions breaks previously configured item level permissions in SharePoint 2007
When you are having to override library permissions where you have previously overridden folder permissions and/or item permissions to break inheritance, BE WARNED that permissions behavior in SharePoint may not be what you’d expect. I’ll explain by demo… Start by navigating to the target library.Now go ahead and override item permissions. Upon completion, you should have new permissions for the item. Now navigate back to the top site. Go ahead and override library permissions. In my case, I removed Members and Visitors from the library level permissions.Now navigate back to the item again. You’ll notice some permissions missing.The conclusion is that breaking inheritance at the library level will override the item level permissions and cause unexpected results. This can be particularly bad if you’re unaware of this behavior and you have an external facing site that has had item level permissions configured for certain external partners and someone breaks the inheritance on the library level as it could grant access to content to unintended users. BE WARNED!!!
07 December 2010
How do I – Change the target of the Edit menu from EditForm.aspx to something else in SharePoint 2007?
With the use of SharePoint Designer 2007, you can easily override the target of all the “Supporting Files” as they’re referred to, by following these steps:—Change-the-target-of-the-Edit-menu-from-EditForm.aspx-to-something-else-in-SharePoint-2007.aspx
03 December 2010
Latest interesting SharePoint 2010 downloads
As expected, the avalanche of documentation, management packs, SDKs etc. for SharePoint 2010 is now starting to overrun the landscape. Here are the latest and most interesting ones:
- Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager 2007
- Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Search Evaluation Guide
- Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint Enterprise Search Evaluation Guide
- Planning guide for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010
- Getting started with Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
- Office 365 Beta Service Descriptions
- Getting started with business intelligence in SharePoint Server 2010
- Extranet Topologies for SharePoint 2010 Products
- Technical reference for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
- Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Protocol Documentation
- Global solutions for SharePoint 2010 Products
- FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint Capacity Planning
- Productivity Hub 2010
- Creating BI Dashboards Using SharePoint 2010 Without Programming
- Search Architectures for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
- Topologies for SharePoint Server 2010
- Configuring Kerberos Authentication for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products
- SharePoint 2010 Easy Setup Script
- YouTube Search Connector for SharePoint Server, Search Server, and FAST Search for SharePoint
- Wikipedia Search Connector for SharePoint Server, Search Server, and FAST Search for SharePoint
- Remote BLOB storage for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
- SharePoint 2010 Reference – Software Development Kit
02 December 2010
Install the KB982307 hotfix as a prerequisite for PowerPivot
NOTE: This KB hotfix has to be installed on all web front end as well as application servers in your SharePoint farm.
- Begin by downloading the applicable architecture (x86/x64/i64) version for your environment from here:
- Login to your server as an administrator.
- Open Windows Explorer.
- Browse to the downloaded .msu file and double click it. In the case of a x64 server, the file name is “Windows6.1-KB982307-x64.msu”.
- Confirm installation by clicking “Yes”.
- Wait while the updates is being installed.
- Upon completion of the installation, you will need to restart your server. Click “Restart Now” to complete the installation.
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