25 July 2010

Honeymoon – Day 9 – Traveling to Rome

We docked in Civitavecchia, Italy this morning.  Jess and I headed to breakfast before debarking to make our way to Rome.  The good news is that I FINALLY found the cheese in the Ham and Cheese Omelet.  See below… 
OK, OK, I only found the cheese because I put it there myself.    I was never able to actually get a Ham and Cheese Omelet on the ship.  It always turned out to be a Cheese Omelet instead.  Nonetheless, we enjoyed our final ship bound breakfast and then debarked for Rome.
We debarked with Wendy and Dale Rutherford, our new made friends from Scotland.  The four of us made our way to the train station where we caught the train to the Rome Termini.  The Termini is the central train terminal in Rome, kind of like a hub is for an airline.  Now on our way from Rome to Civitavecchia we took a car.  It ended up costing us 150 Euros.  Taking the train saved us a bundle.  Cost 9 Euros.  The train ride was hot and uncomfortable, but we were chatting with Wendy and Dale so time passed quickly.
Once we got to Termini, we were looking for an information station.  There wasn’t any to be found anywhere.  We walked up and down the terminal, but couldn’t find anything.  Finally, we were so hot and muggy, we decided to get something to drink.  There was a McDonalds right outside and across the street.  I proceeded to stand in line to get a Coke and a milk shake.  I had to check the name twice during the 10 minutes I was waiting for two drinks because the McDonalds I know isn’t that slow.  Oh well… 
Finally, Jess and I decided to grab a cab to our hotel, the Cardinal Hotel St. Peter.  Cost 20 Euros.  We booked into our room.  It’s a lovely room.  We only wish we could keep the AC running to cool the room when we’re not there.  See, the room is powered when your room key is inserted into a slot reader inside the room.  When the key isn’t in the slot, the room has no power… but that’s OK… it’s green. 
We spent the rest of the day next to the pool, planning our excursions for the next two days and recharging our batteries.  We decided to do Ancient Rome the next day, followed by Vatican City the day after.


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